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Review Article

Year: 2021 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 12 |Pages: 17-22

A critical appraisal on Agnikarma for the management of Dagdha vrana.

About Author

Dr. Dharmpal Patil ,1

1Dean & Professor, MS , Ph.D. (Shalya) Department of Shalyatantra, Glocal College of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences, & research centre, Mirzapur Pole, Saharnpur. (UP),India

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Dharmpal Patil , Dean & Professor, MS , Ph.D. (Shalya) Department of Shalyatantra, Glocal College of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences, & research centre, Mirzapur Pole, Saharnpur. (UP),India

Date of Acceptance: 2021-12-07

Date of Publication:2022-01-12


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil

How To Cite This Article: Patil D. A critical appraisal on Agnikarma for the management of Dagdha vrana. Int J Ind Med 2021;2(12):17-22


Shalya Tantra is one of the eminent branches of Ayurveda, which consists of major therapies like Bheshaja karma, Kshara Karma, Agni karma, Shastra karma and Raktamokshana. Agnikarma is the use of various materials to apply Agni or heat to the damaged area, either directly or indirectly, in order to treat an ailment. Sukshma, Laghu, Tikshna, and Ushna guna are Agni's qualities. The therapeutic heat penetrates deeper tissue, such as the Mamsa Dhatu, and neutralises the Shita Guna of the Vata and Kapha Doshas, restoring balance to the vitiated Doshas and providing comfort to the patients. Agnikarma generates a coagulative necrosis on the skin's surface layers, resulting in self-healing. Post-procedural treatment, either locally or orally, is not required. Ancient Indian surgeons prescribed various materials such as Pippali (pipper longum), Ajasakrut (goat's excreta), Godanta, Shara (arrow), Shalaka (metal Rods), Kshoudra, Guda (jaggery), Sneha, etc. for cauterising specific body parts such as skin, muscle, blood vessels, ligaments, and Agni karma is also performed by Shalakas, which are made up of various dhatus such as gold, silver, copper, iron, and so on, for various phases of ill diseases.

Keywords: Shalya tantra, Agnikarma, Vata, Kapha, Shalakas, Ushna guna




Issue: 12

Volume: 2 (2021): Month - 1

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