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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 01 |Pages: 79-84

Concept of Sadatura (Frequently sick person) in Ayurveda

About Author

Deshpande MG1

1Professor, department of Basic principles. SMVVS R K M Ayurveda medical college and hospital and PG Research Centre Vijaypur, Karnataka.

Correspondence Address:

Dr Manisha G Deshpande Professor, department of Basic principles SMVVS R K M Ayurveda medical college and hospital and PG Research Centre. Vijaypur, Karnataka Email id: manishapotekar

Date of Acceptance: 2021-12-22

Date of Publication:2022-02-10


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil

How To Cite This Article: Deshpande MG. Concept of Sadatura (Frequently sick person) in Ayurveda. Int J Ind Med 2022;3(1):79-84


Ayu is in the form of well-organized healthy lifestyle in all its components-Ahara, Vihara and Achaara. Various concepts like Dinacharya, Rutucharya, Sadvrutta, Achara Rasayana, Rutu Shodhana etc have been explained for a healthy living.  In Ayurvedic classics Sadatura are individuals who suppress natural urges due to engagement in their duties always suffer from various diseases. In Charaka Four types of persons always remain sick such as Shrotiyas (priest), Raja-sevakas (servant of king), Veshyas (courtesans), and Panya-jivinis (merchant) due to their improper lifestyle habits. These specific etiological factors and therapies useful for these sick persons are described in Phalamatra Siddhi. In such individual Dinacharya (Daily regime) and Rutucharya (seasonal routine), Ahara (diet) should be planned as per Prakriti and dosha, Season & other environmental condition for maintenance of health.

Keywords: Sadatura, Ahara, Vihar, Adharniya Vega, frequently sick person




Issue: 01

Volume: 3 (2022): Month - 02

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