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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 06 |Pages: 31-38

Critical review on Adhimantha and its Ayurvedic Management

About Author

Bhaladhare A.G.1 , Pillewan L.2 , Goje S.P.3

1Professor, Dept of Shalakya, Vimaladevi Ayurvedic Medical College, Chandrapur

2Consultant , Indutai Gaikwad, Patil Ayurved College Hospital Vihirgaon, Nagpur

3Assistant Professor, Dept of Kayachikitsa, Vimaladevi Ayurvedic Medical College, Chandrapur

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Ajay Ghansham Bhaladhare Professor, Dept of Shalakya Vimaladevi Ayurvedic medical College Wandhari Chandrapur Email id : Contact no. 9423112623

Date of Acceptance: 2022-06-23

Date of Publication:2022-07-15


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Bhaladhare A.G., Pillewan L, Goje S.P. Critical review on Adhimantha and its Ayurvedic Management. Int J Ind Med 2022;3(6):31-38


Adhimantha is sarvagata netraroga explained in Ayurvedic texts in which there is an excessive churning type of pain in the eye and it afflicts all the parts of the eye hence called Sarvagata Netraroga. Half-sided headache (Shiraso-ardham vedana), excessive hot lachrymations, cloudy vision, and redness of the eye are associated symptoms of Adhimantha. It can be correlated to Glaucoma in modern science which is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve due to increased intraocular pressure. Glaucoma can cause permanent blindness within a few years. According to Sushrutacharya, Adhimantha is sadhya when diagnosed and treated early but if the patient does not take proper treatment and continues Hetu seven, then there is loss of vision occurs. Abhishyanda (Conjunctivitis) is the main cause of Adhimantha. When Abhishyanda is not treated, then it gets complicated into Adhimantha, Hence the same course of treatment in Abhishyanda is given for Adhimantha which includes Tarpana, Putapaka, Aschotana, Bidalaka, lepa, Nasya, Shirobasti and Raktamokshan.

Keywords: Adhimantha, Glaucoma, Siravedh, Aschotana, Tarpan.




Issue: 06

Volume: 3 (2022): Month - 07

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