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Review Article

Year: 2023 |Volume: 4 | Issue: 03 |Pages: 21-27

A Critical review on Abhishyanda and its treatment in context of Ayurveda.

About Author

Gajabhe P.R.1

1Professor, Dept of Shalakya, Rani Dullaya Smriti Ayurved P.G.College & Hospiatl, Bhopal.

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Pragati Rajaram Gajabhe Professor, Dept of Shalakya, Rani Dullaya Smriti Ayurved P.G.College & Hospiatl, Bhopal. Email:

Date of Acceptance: 2023-03-04

Date of Publication:2023-03-10


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Gajabhe P.R. A Critical review on Abhishyanda and its treatment in context of Ayurveda. Int J Ind Med 2023;4(3):21-27


According to current science, Abhishyanda is Sarvagata Netraroga, a horrible illness with symptoms of conjunctivitis. Conjunctival irritation is most common in Abhishyanda and can migrate to Rakta. If Abhishyanda is not treated, it might lead to Adhimanth, which is linked with severe agony. Sandhigat roga, Shuklagat roga, Krishnagat roga, Vartmagat roga, and other complications may occur. Among the seventeen Sarvagat rogas, Abhishyanda is labeled as a sickness. Vataja Abhishyanda, Pittaja Abhishyanda, Kaphaja Abhishyanda, and Raktaja Abhishyanda were all referenced in Ayurvedic classics. Kledana is involved in Doshas and Dhatu, resulting in copious discharge from the eye. As a result, Abhishyanda is distinguished by profuse discharge from the eyes. For the treatment of various Netraroga, Ayurveda outlined numerous techniques such as Anjana, Pariseka, Pralepa, Aschyotana, Tarpana, Sweda, and Putpaka. Some Ayurvedic formulations and herbs can also help with Abhishyanda symptoms.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Netraroga, Abhishyanda, Allergic conjunctivitis, Vataj abhishyanda.




Issue: 03

Volume: 4 (2023): Month - 03

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