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Review Article

Year: 2023 |Volume: 4 | Issue: 07 |Pages: 36-39


About Author

Rahangdale V.1 , Daulatkar K.2 , Bhalamey B. 3

1MD (Sch) Samhita Sidhhant, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

2Professor, Dept. of Samhita Sidhhant, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

3Professor, Dept. of Samhita Sidhhant, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Vidya Rahangdale MD (sch). Samhita Sidhhant, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur. Email:

Date of Acceptance: 2023-06-28

Date of Publication:2023-07-10


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Rahangdale V., Daulatkar K., Bhalamey B. A scientific review on 'Dhumapana' and its Pharmacodynamic action. Int J Ind Med 2023;4(7):36-39 DOI:


Ayurveda has prescribed various therapeutic procedures which greatly influence the management of diseases and maintenance of human health. Dhumapana (Smoking) is one such treatment described in Ayurveda. It is described under the Dinacharya (Daily Regimen) and also advised for treatments in many disorders. Part of vitiated kapha situated in the head is eliminated very fast by the way of Dhoompan. This review is trying to focus good side Dhumapana as described in Ayurveda. Dhumapana in fact is not restricted to simple smoking but is applied to mean therapeutic smoking. Dhumapana is the method of drug administration described by Acharya Charaka. It is advantageously used as a part of 'Dinacharya’ (daily regimen) as well as therapeutically used in treating different diseased conditions). The word Dhuma refers to gaseous state of drug and Prana refers to inhalation It is indicated in the management of variety of diseases occurring in the region of head and neck commonly considered as Jatru- Urdhwagata Disorders.

Keywords: Dhumapana, Dinacharya,Prana, Urdhwagata.


Dhumapana (Smoking) is one such treatment described in Ayurveda under the Dinacharya (Daily Regimen) and also advised for treatments in many disorders. Ayurveda has prescribed various therapeutic procedures which greatly influence the management of diseases and maintenance of human health. Dhumapana (Smoking) is one such treatment described in Ayurveda. It is smoking the leaves or other parts of medicinal plants, which helps to maintain good health and also to cure respiratory diseases or Kapha pradhan diseases. Part of vitiated kapha situated in the head is eliminated very fast by the way of Dhoompan. 

Smoking being labeled a ‘Taboo,’ the good effects of this practice is generally ignored by the society. The present article reviews fine part of the “Dhumapana” described in Ayurveda. Dhumapana in fact is not restricted to simple smoking but is applied to mean therapeutic smoking.

Review of Literature:

The word Dhuma refers to gaseous state of drug and prana refers to inhalation. Dhumapana is the method of drug administration described by Acharya Charaka. It is advantageously used as a part of 'Dinacharya’ (daily regimen) as well as therapeutically used in treating different diseased conditions). It is indicated in the management of verity of diseases occurring in the region of head and neck commonly considered as Jatru- Urdhwagata Disorders in Ayurveda like-


  • Gaurava (heaviness of head)
  • Shir Shula (Headache)
  • Pinasa(rhinitis)
  • Ardhavbhedaka (hemicranias)
  • Karna shula (otalgia)
  • Akshi shula (diseases of the eye)
  • Danta dourbalya, Danta shula (Diseases of the teeth),
  • Shrotra srava, Ghrana srava Akshi srava,
  • Puti Ghrana (morbid discharge from ear, nose, and eyes) and Kshavathu (sneezing).


It is also found to be useful in diseases of upper and lower respiratory tract, like Kasa (cough) Shwasa (COPD) Hikka (hiccup) Galagraha (obstruction in throat) Vaiswarya (impaired voice), Gala shundi(tonsillitis) and conditions like Hanugraha (locked jaw) manyagraha (torticollis), Khalityam (alopecia) Pinjaratvam (graying of hair) Keshapatan (hair fall) Ati tandra (excessive drowsiness) Budhii moha (loss of consciousness) and Ati nidra (hyper-somnia). In Sushruta Samhita in addition to above indications was mentioned that Dhumapana results in calm, and clear senses, speech and mind, firmness of hair, teeth and mustache, pleasant smell and cleanliness of mouth.

Pharmacodynamics.: Any substance can occur in any state of matter. Under standard atmospheric conditions, water exists in liquid condition. But if water is boiled above 100 degrees Celsius, or 212-degree Fahrenheit, it changes its state into a gas called water vapor. Changes in the state of matter are physical changes and not chemical changes. A molecule of water vapor has the same chemical composition - H O, just as a molecule of liquid water or a molecule of ice. Like above theory of Science,in Dhumapana, the drug gets converted into gaseous state and route of administration is nasal or oral. The gaseous state of drug represents only physical change without any change in chemical composition. Active drug is directly entering into upper respiratory tract, lower respiratory tract, head [through nasal pathway], stomach [through nasopharyngeal path and oro-pharyngeal path], blood [through pulmonary circulation] and through blood into the mainstream circulation. In gaseous state drug is having weak bonding as compared to liquid and solid state, hence the drug action is very fast as compared to liquid and solid state. The drugs used for are acting Dhumapana being labeled a 'Taboo,' the good effect of this practice is generally overlooked by the society. The drugs used for Dhumpana are acting locally in the supra-clavicular region including buccal mucosa, naso- & oropharyngeal mucosa, upper and lower respiratory tract. Therefore, Acharyas have given primary indication of Urdhvajatrugata (supra clavicular) diseases.


Dhumpan is a practice mentioned in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. It involves the inhalation of smoke from herbal substances for therapeutic purposes. In Ayurvedic medicine, dhumpan is considered to have various benefits and is used to treat specific health conditions.The practice of dhumpan is believed to help balance the doshas, which are the three fundamental energies in Ayurveda - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Different types of herbal smoke are used depending on the dosha imbalance being addressed. For Vata imbalance, dhumpan is often performed using herbs such as calamus, ginger, and cinnamon. These warming and grounding herbs help calm the nervous system and promote relaxation. When there is a Pitta imbalance, cooling herbs like sandalwood, rose, and mint are used in dhumpan.

These herbs have a soothing effect on the body and help alleviate symptoms such as inflammation and excessive heat. In cases of Kapha imbalance, stimulating herbs like eucalyptus, clove, and camphor are used in dhumpan. These herbs help clear congestion, improve circulation, and invigorate the body. Dhumpan is performed by heating the herbal substances and inhaling the resulting smoke. This can be done by using a traditional clay pot, known as a dhumapana yantra, or through the use of specialized herbal smoking blends. It is important to note that dhumpan should be practiced under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. They will determine the appropriate herbs and dosage based on an individual's unique constitution and health condition. While dhumpan can be beneficial when used appropriately, it is not recommended for everyone. Pregnant women, individuals with respiratory conditions, and those with sensitive constitutions should avoid dhumpan.


Dhumpan is a therapeutic practice mentioned in Ayurveda that involves the inhalation of herbal smoke. It is used to balance the doshas and treat specific health conditions. However, it should be practiced under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner and is not suitable for everyone.

Dhumapana is one of the best methods of intervention among various disorders, it also used in current pandemic of covid -19 for prevention of various upper respiratory disorders and needs to be evaluated for its beneficial effects on the basis of scientific parameters for better efficacy and faster relief from the symptoms.



  1. Shukla V, editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita of charak, Siddhi stana: Chapter 9, Verse 88. Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series, 2002;
  2. Aathavale AD, editor, (1st ed.). Astang samgraha of Vagbhat, Sootra stana, Chapter 29, Verse 2, Pune: Atreya Prakashan, 1980;
  3. Shukla V, editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita of charak,Siddhi stana: Chapter 2, Verse 22. Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series, 2002;
  4. Sharma A, editor, (1st ed.). Sushrut Samhita of sushrut, Chikitsasthana: Chapter 40, Verse 40. Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Prakashan, 200



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