ISSN: 0000-0000
Pathrikar Anaya1 , Dwivedi Amarprakash 2
1Professor, Kayachikitsa Department, AVPM’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai.
2Professor, Shalyatantra Department, School of Ayurveda, DY Patil University, Navi Mumbai.
Date of Acceptance: 2021-02-24
Date of Publication:2021-03-01
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Keywords: Obesity, Ayurveda, Sthaulya, Sthaulya chikitsa.
Source of Support: NIL
Conflict of Interest: NIL
Sthaulya i.e. Obesity is no more a disease but has turned into a syndrome. The extent of etiological factors is increasing day by day demanding for a root level Lifestyle modification. Pathogenesis of Sthaulya is no more confined to Rasa, Meda dhatu but all Ardra, Snigdha constituents of body are getting involved. Prevalence since childhood age group is increasing very speedily. This takes a toll on physical and psychological growth of a person. Here, puberty related affections are dangerous as hormonal imbalance caused is considerable. This puts a nidus for abnormal and/ or underdevelopment during puberty and further for infertility. Judicious and genuine management of Sthaulya is done with treatment triad i.e. Drugs, Diet regulation and Exercise. Similarly, enlisting of herbal drugs and herbal and Herbo-mineral combinations is done so as to have wide scope for selection of drugs as per Constitution, Dosha vitiation and specific for the patient and condition. This article is a humble effort to compile information as well as sharing of views and eventually formulate a Sthaulya chikitsa upakrama- a holistic plan for prevention and management of Obesity.