International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2021 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 02

A cross sectional study on lipid profile among patient attending Govt Ayurveda Hospital.

About Author

Hange D1 , Bawankar R2 , Sahu Preeti3 , Umale A S4 , Meshram R M 5

1Assistant Professor, Department of Rog nidan, Government Ayurvedic college, Nagpur.

2Associate Professor and HOD, Department of Rasshastra & Bhaishajya kalpana ASPM Ayurveda college, Buldhana

3Professor & HOD, Dept of Samhita Sidhhant, Jupiter Ayurveda Medical College, Nagpur

4Associate Professor , Dept of Kriya Sharir Jupiter Ayurveda Medical College, Nagpur

5Professor & HOD, Dept of Shalya Tantra Dept Rajeev Gandhi Ayurved Collage, Bhopal

Date of Acceptance: 2021-02-25

Date of Publication:2021-03-01

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Dhananjay Hange Assistant Professor, Department of Rog nidan, Government Ayurvedic college, Nagpur. Mobile no.9822246598

Keywords: Atisthaulya, Hyperlipidemia, Fat, Meda, Medoroga etc

Source of Support: NIL

Conflict of Interest: NIL


Background: Atisthaulya (obesity) is considered as one of the ‘Astonidya Purush’  as described by Acharya Charaka. A person having  excessive accumulation of Meda (fat/adipose tissue) and Mamsa (muscle tissue) leading to flabbiness of hips, abdomen, and breast has been categorized as Atisthula according to Ayurveda. Objectives: To study lipid profile among the  patient attending OPD of the Govt Ayurveda Hospital. Methodology: It was a cross sectional study  and  total 93 patients were recruited for lipid profile.  Sampling technique implemented was Non probability convenience sampling. Results: It was observed that , among 93 patients, 62[66.7%] patients were having Cholesterol level below  200mg/dl, while among 11 [11.8%] patients Cholesterol level was very high i.e.,>240 mg /dl.  Total 21[22.6%] patients were having Marginal level of Triglycerides (150 to 199 mg/dL) while among 11 [11.8%] patients’ high level of Triglycerides. Total 62[66.7%] patients were High density, 11 [11.8%] patients’ High level (>50 mg/dl) of High-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Conclusion: Community awareness of regular exercise and healthy diet is needed  to maintain the normal level of lipids.