ISSN: 0000-0000
Umale Anand1 , Meshram R.M.2 , Bawankar R.3 , Hange D.4 , Sahu Preeti5
1Associate Professor , Dept of Kriya Sharir College , Jupiter Ayurveda Medical College, Nagpur.
2Professor & HOD, Dept of Shalya Tantra Dept. Rajeev Gandhi Ayurved Collage, Bhopal
3Associate Professor and HOD, Department of Rasshastra & Bhaishajya kalpana ASPM Ayurveda college, Buldhana.
4Assistant Professor, Department of Rog nidan, Government Ayurvedic college, Nagpur.
5Professor & HOD, Dept of Samhita Sidhhant Jupiter Ayurveda Medical College ,Nagpur
Date of Acceptance: 2021-02-23
Date of Publication:2021-03-01
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Keywords: Sara, Bala, Dhatu, Vishuddatara, Raktasarata
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: None
Sara is Bala(strength)it is extract of excellence of their Dhatus. The supreme quality of Dhatu and superb functional aspect of is Sara. Dashvidh Pariksha’ which include Sarata Parikshan. Sara Pariksha primarily determines the strength of a person. This is done to assess vishudhhatar dhatu. Sara examination indicates Bala of an individual. One cannot function and can’t resist without ‘Bala’. Sara examination is needed whenever one wanted to adopt career in a particular essential for selection of particular occupation, it can be helpful in future progress of a person as it is giving idea about which profession suits for which individual perfectly. Persons having excellent quality of Rakta Dhatu in predominance are called as Rakta Sara Purusha. Further advance research can be conducted to standardize process of sara pariskahn.