ISSN: 0000-0000
Rajput SK.1 , Irole SA2 , Nandekar S3 , Pawar U4
1Associate Professor Balrog Department YMT Ayurved College and Hospital, Kharghar.
2P. G Scholar, Agadtantra Department YMT Ayurved College and Hospital, Kharghar.
3Professor, Agadtantra Department YMT Ayurved College and Hospital, Kharghar.
4P. G. Scholar , RSBK Department YMT Ayurved College and Hospital , Kharghar.
Date of Acceptance: 2021-04-20
Date of Publication:2021-05-01
Correspondence Address:
Keywords: Kaval, Gandush, oral health, mouth. Stomatitis
Source of Support: NIL
Conflict of Interest: NIL
Oral health is related to general health of human, mouth is mirror of general health. Oral health problems are increases day by day in world wide. In day today life oral cavity is exposed to external environmental pollutions, cold drinks, smoking, chewing tobacco and alcohol intake, so oral health problems are increasing. Therefore to maintain the oral health Ayurveda introduces to procedures is Kaval.Taking lesser amount of medicated fluid which can be move in the mouth is called Kaval. This procedure makes jawbone strengthens. It enhances interest in food. It makes tine sweet n sharp. It reduces the cracks on lips. It avoids dryness of throat and mouth. Oral diseases continue to be major health problem world wild there for it is very important to maintain oral hygiene for maintenance of health and longevity of human Being in particular age group .