ISSN: 0000-0000
Rajput SK.1 , pawar U2 , Irole SA3 , Amrutkar M4 , Deshmukh A5
1Associate Professor Balrog Department YMT Ayurved College and Hospital, Kharghar.
2P. G Scholar, RSBK Department YMT Ayurved College and Hospital, Kharghar.
3P. G Scholar, Agadtantra Department YMT Ayurved College and Hospital, Kharghar.
4Associate Professor , RSBK Department YMT Ayurved College and Hospital , Kharghar
5Associate Professor , RSBK Department YMT Ayurved College and Hospital , Kharghar
Date of Acceptance: 2021-04-28
Date of Publication:2021-05-01
Correspondence Address:
Keywords: Gandush, oral health, mouth. Stomatitis
Source of Support: NIL
Conflict of Interest: NIL
The name of Ayurveda originates from two Indian words Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge. In a broad sense it means knowledge concerning the maintenances of life. Ayurveda is an ancient science of life from 5000 years. There are no if and or buts about it oral health is a huge part of our general health and a welled balanced. Oral diseases continue to be major health problem world wild there for it is very important to maintain oral hygiene for maintenance of health and longevity of human Being in particular age group . Older age groups are also at increased risk mouth dryness for example due to lack of saliva etc. In ancient Ayurvedic text have medicinal and cariogenic property. Its oil pulling practice in various systemic diseases. If traditional medicine is to be acknowledge as part of primary health Care scientific validation of the Ayurvedic dental health practices could justify their incorporation into modern dental Care. Ayurveda recommends Gandusha as a specialized therapy for good oral hygiene. It will maintain and promote the oral hygiene by exerting the cleansing action and by increasing the defense mechanism in the oral cavity. Gandusha is used for both prevention and treatment of oral diseases. The present review article highlights how the Gandusha therapy will act as a basic tool for good oral hygiene.