ISSN: 0000-0000
Sarwesh kumar1 , Hemalata Jalgaonkar2
1Assistant professor Niteshwar Ayurved college and hospital, Muzaffarpur, Bihar
2Associate Professor and HOD, Prasuti tantra avam Stree rog Department, School of Ayurveda, Astang Ayurved collage and Hospital pune, Maharashtra
Date of Acceptance: 2021-09-09
Date of Publication:2021-08-20
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Keywords: Voni Vrana , Episiotomy Wound, Vrana chikitsa
Source of Support: nil
Conflict of Interest: nil
: Episiotomy wound can be considered as Sadyovrana as we are cutting the perineum and perineum gets separated so it can be further sub-categorized as Chinna Vrana. complete management of vrana 60 types of upakramas have been cited by Acharya Sushrutha, Taila and parisheka are amongst them, indicated for Shodhana and Ropana of Vrana, For the management of chinna vrana suturing and bandaging is indicated in our classics. In practice Lepana, Parishek with shodhan and then Ropan drugs, Snehapaana, Seka, Upanaaha with Veshavaara, Krushara, Swedana with cereals, Snigdha lepa, Sneha Basti with Vaataghna Oushadha are used for wound healing.