ISSN: 0000-0000
1M.D.Kayachikitsa S.D.M.T’s Ayurvedic Medical College & Danigond Post-Graduation Centre, Padma Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centre, Terdal, Karnataka
Date of Acceptance: 2021-09-22
Date of Publication:2021-10-15
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Keywords: Amlapitta, Yawadi Kwath ,Patoladi kwath, Klama, Amlodgar
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: None Declared
Amlapitta is a very common disease which can be corelated with Hyperacidity. It is caused by an imbalance between the acid secreting mechanism of the stomach and proximal intestine and the protective mechanisms that ensure their safety. Amlapitta is disorder caused by habitual, irregular diet schedule and activities but also because of psychological and physiological disorder including Ahar, vihar. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Yavadi Kwath and Patoladi Kwath in Amlapitta. To compare the efficacy of Yavadi Kwath and Patoladi Kwath in the management of Amlapitta. Methods: It is a Randomized Comparative open clinical study of trial. In this study, total 44 patients of ‘Amlapitta’ were taken. Patients of Group-A were administered Yawadi Kwath and in Group B patients were administered Patoladi kwath 40 ml twice a day before food in the morning and evening for the period of 30 days. Results : In most of the patients, it was observed that Agnimandya and dietic faulty habit are the main responsible factor for Amlapitta. It was observed that in the Symptoms of Amlapitta like Avipak, Klama, Amlodgar, Utklesh, Gaurav, Daha and Aruchi it was significant difference was noted between follow up in both the group on day 15 and day 30. However, the percentage relief was more in Group A as compare to Group-B. Conclusion: Intervention of both Group A and Group B is found equally effective statistically for the symptoms like, Klama, Amlodgar, Utklesh, Gaurav, Daha and Aruchi except Avipak.