International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 01


About Author

Shukla M1 , Dhiman BK2

1Assistant Professor, Dept of Samhita,Sanskrit & Siddhanta,SKD Gov.Ayurvedic college & hospital,Muzaffarnagar,U.P,251001

2Vice chancellor, Shrikrishna Ayush University, Kurukshetra, Haryana

Date of Acceptance: 2022-01-19

Date of Publication:2022-02-10

Correspondence Address:

Dr Shukla Meenakshi Assistant Professor,Dept of Samhita,Sanskrit & Siddhanta,SKD Gov.Ayurvedic college & hospital,Muzaffarnagar,U.P,251001,7380999824

Keywords: Punarbhav,Epigenetics,Karya-Karana Siddhanta.

Source of Support: nil

Conflict of Interest: nil


Ayurveda has proved its Scientific approach,universal theories in various hard times and served humanity even in nasty time of Covid.Due to its time tested fundamental theories which has kept it alive even after so many attacks.Let’s interpretate its hidden medical principles & condemn to those who represent it pseudoscience.An attempt has been done to evaluate the other side of coin of Punarbhava.The word Punarbhava has been used instead of Punarjanm.[1] Punarbhava  in the form of further progeny depends on the wholesole concept of karana karya siddhanta, as seed of specific plant give rise to specific fruit so righteous deeds give rise to nicer outcome.Reappeareance of physical traits,mental traits & disease traits in the further progeny is other form of it.Epigenetics alterations can turn on or off certain genes,in response to the envoirnment,diet and lifestyle  ageing & diseases.If good genes are suppressed and bad genes are activated,disease occurs and vice versa.