ISSN: 0000-0000
Pareek P1 , Charde A2
11. M.D. Scholar Rachana Sharir Dept. , Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur (Mah.)
22. Prof. & H.O.D.Rachana Sharir Dept. , Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur (Mah.)
Date of Acceptance: 2022-09-23
Date of Publication:2022-10-20
Correspondence Address:
Keywords: Sanskar, Sacrament, Rituals, Intrauterine, Extrauterine
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: Nil
The word Sanskara is derived from root word ‘Kri’ with ‘Sam’ upsarga, which is being used for several meanings according to reference to context. The Sanskrit term “Sanskara” means religious customs. In Ayurveda various Acharyas describe many type of Sanskara,in which 16 Sanskaras are performed in present era from the birth to the end. All these sanskaras are performed since Vedic period because it has some importance in development of Baby. In Present Era, there is need to understand its effect on scientific basis and simply its concept to adopt these in society easily and we got the ideal baby for this society. The main aim of performing Sanskaras are to preparing the baby for intrauterine and extra uterine life successfully, develop proper feeding habits, ensure adequate nutrition, prevent diseases, adapt to environment for further survival, give individual identity and educate the child.