ISSN: 0000-0000
1Assistant professor (Dept of Samhita and Siddhanta) Sumandeep Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital Pipaliya, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat-391760, India.
Date of Acceptance: 2023-02-04
Date of Publication:2023-02-15
Correspondence Address:
Keywords: Kaala (time), Kriya Kaala (time), Time, Age, Panchakarma.
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
Time is a basic concept that deals with the occurrence of events. According to modern science, the duration of sequences between two or more events is termed Time. Time has an influence not only on living things but also on non-living things also. Time is called Kaala (time) in Ayurveda. All worldly activities depend on Kaala (time) or time. Kaala (time) has no beginning or end. All kriyas in Ayurveda are based on Kaala (time). Kaala (time) is one among the 13 Bala Vriddhikara Bhavas. By knowing only Kaala (time), Roga Jnana and Roga Nivarana are possible. Kaala (time) is the cause of health and disease. Kaala (time) is one of the factors for Janapadodhwamsa(pandemics). Kaala (time) or time is a primary factor in Ayurveda on which dosha, Agni, Bala, Ahaara, Vyadhi, Oushadha, and Chikitsa are related. Collection of dravya Dravya Sangrahana Kaala (time)), and food and medicine intake (Ahaara Sevana Kaala (time) and Oushadhi Sevana Kaala (time)) depend on Kaala (time). The appropriate time for adopting the proper line of treatment is KriyaKaala (time). Panchkarma if done without the consideration of Kaala (time), then it will end in complications. So, consideration of Kaala (time) in Panchakarma is essential. Even in this era, time is a very important factor in almost all sciences as exact precision of time is required everywhere.