ISSN: 0000-0000
Malwadkar P1 , Bahatkar S2
1MD Panchakarma 3 rd year R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College Worli, Mumbai-400018
2HOD Panchakarma department R.A.Podar Ayurved Medical College Worli, Mumbai-400018
Date of Acceptance: 2023-05-23
Date of Publication:2023-06-27
Correspondence Address:
Keywords: Pakshaghat, snayu, kandara, sandhibandha moksha, vaatnuloman, raktaprasadan
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
Ayurveda explains Pakshaghat as one of the vaat vyadhi which is considered as one of the Ashtamahagaad-disease which is cripple, fatal and incurable or difficult to cure. In Pakshaghat snayu and kandara shosh occurs due to vitiated vaat and there is paralysis or severe weakness of limbs on one side but specific symptoms may vary from person to person.It also must be remembered that pakshaghat is mentioned in trimarmiya adhyay . When shira marma gets damaged may be due to aaghaat or dosha prakop it may lead to pakshaghaat.In the present case study a 57 year old male patient was brought by his relatives to Panchakarma OPD of Podar Ayurved Hospital with complaints of left hand and legs weakness,muscle spasms,left hand tingling sensation,difficulty in walking and overall weakness since 1 month. MRI brain showed small focal area of acute non haemorrhagic infarct involving left corona radiata and chronic ischemic changes. Also, he had raised BSL.A detailed history was taken, diagnosis done was vaam pakshawadh and the patient was treated using ayurvedic principles. Total duration of treatment was of 36 days and patient had significant relief in symtoms and patient would walk without any support. Sarvanga snehan, pinda sweda, shirodhara, pratimarsha nasya, shodhan basti followed by baladi yapan basti along with internal medications according to conditions was given. This case shows that mahavyadhi like pakshaghat can be well managed if treatment is started earlier. It is the need of an hour to make common people aware of this.