International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2023 |Volume: 4 | Issue: 05

Concept of Marma in Ayurveda with references to Urdhwajatrugat Marma: A Literary Review

About Author

1Associate Professor, Dept of Shalakyatantra, SSVP Ayurved College, Hatta, Dist. Hingoli.

Date of Acceptance: 2023-05-22

Date of Publication:2023-06-27

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Anjali Niras Associate Professor, (Shalakyatantra Dept.), SSVP Ayurved College, Hatta, Dist. Hingoli. Email:

Keywords: Marma, urdhawajatrugat, Jeevanadhara, Nadi pariksha, Marma, Viddha karma

Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda deals with the prevention as well as principles regarding disease cured. In present era the need of Ayurveda and importance of Ayurveda science is increases day by day. Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine in the conventional sense of curing disease. It is also a way of life that teaches us how to maintain and protect mental and physical health and achieve longevity. In Ayurveda various unique concepts are explained such as Nadi pariksha, Marma, Viddha karma, etc. In which the concept of Marma is unique & as well as important for Chikitsaka. Marma is important for Vyadhi Chikitsa. They are classified in various types according to Panchabhautika dominance and various factors. Every Chikitsaka has knowledge about Marmas for avoidance of injury to them. The marma situated in Urdhwajatrugat are very crucial and need to undersnat its relevanmce in chikitsa. The injuries on these Marma in urdhawajatrugat areas produce temporary or permanent, structural or functional deformity even after best treatment.