ISSN: 0000-0000
Kumari V.1 , Khatri M.2
1P.G. Scholar Dept. of Kriya Shareer. Shri Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Kurukshetra-136118, Haryana.
2Associate Professor. Shri Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Kurukshetra-136118, Haryana.
Date of Acceptance: 2023-06-26
Date of Publication:2023-07-20
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Keywords: Asthi Dhatu, Vata Dosha, Aashraya Ashraye Bhava, Asthi Dhatu Kshaya.
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
Ayurveda is the science of life that insists upon equilibrium state of all elements like Dosha, Agni, Dhatu, Mala, Atma, Mana, Indriya. The human body is made up of Doshas, Dhatus (tissue) and Malas (Excreta). These three entities are responsible for the maintenance of structural and functional integrity of body. The equilibrium state of these Dhatus results in Arogya, where as any imbalance in it produces Vikara. Among Dhatus, Asthi (bone) does Sharira dharan. The function of Asthi Dhatu is to support the body along with nourishing majja. Any upheaveal in equilibrium of Dhatus leads to disease. Asthikshaya is a condition described by Acharya Charak under 18 types of Kshaya. According to the principle of Ashraya-ashrayi bhava, Asthidhatu is the seat of Vata Dosha and inversely related to each other. Increase of Vata is the main factor responsible for Asthikshaya. Asthikshaya is condition in which there is Kshaya of Asthi Dhatu. It is a state where the functional capacity of Asthi is compromised due to decrease in its Guna, Karma and structure of Asthi. Understanding of Asharya Ashrayi Bhava is important because they have a working principle and supports the body frame.