International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2023 |Volume: 4 | Issue: 07


About Author

Bidave M.1 , Bhatkar A.2

1MD Scholar,Dept Of Samhita Siddhant,Government Ayurved College,Nagpur.

2Associate Professor, Dept Of Samhita Siddhant,Government Ayurved College,Nagpur.

Date of Acceptance: 2023-06-20

Date of Publication:2023-07-10

Correspondence Address:

Vd. Mohini Bidave Dept Of Samhita Siddhant Govt. Ayurved College, Nagpur. Maharashtra, India Mobile No: 9607797791 Email ID:

Keywords: Khalitya, Shiroroga,Kshudra Roga,Bahya Chikitsa ,Abhyantara Chikitsa,Rasayana

Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Hair plays major role in enhancing the personality of a human. In Ayurveda Khalitya means Hairfall that closely resembles to Allopecia or Baldness in modern science.Khalitya has been described under the heading of Shiroroga (Disease of Head and Scalp )and Kshudra Roga (Minor Disease).Long healthy hair contributes to persons positive attitude and physical well-being. But in present era,Khalitya is a result of improper Ahara-Vihara , not following the principles of Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Stress, Systemic Disease and Medications. Thus, Khalitya is a burning issue increasing day by day and young people are the main sufferers of this issue. So nowadays people are more concerned about Hair in cosmetic point of view.But due to limitations and side effects of modern medicine, some effective resuts are expected from Ayurveda. As Ayurveda is a Science of Life, it mainly focuses on the way to achieve healthy life. In Ayurveda various Bahya Chikitsa and Abhyantar Chikitsa is mentioned for Khalitya like Nasya, Raktamokshan, lepa, Shiro -Ahyanga,Rasyana Chikitsa ,Yoga etc. So to exlpore the detail of Kalitya(Hairfall) along with its Ayurvedic treatment modalities this review study was undertaken.