International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2023 |Volume: 4 | Issue: 04

Evaluation of the pharmacokinetic aspect of Brahmi Ghrita by oral and nasal route.

About Author

Gulhane CM1 , Thakar AB2 , Naria M3

1Associate professor Department of panchakarma, R A Podar Ayurveda Medical College Mumbai.

2Director, ITRA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar

3Head, Department of Pharmacology ·ITRA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar

Date of Acceptance: 2023-04-15

Date of Publication:2023-05-24

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Chetan Gulhane Associate professor, professor Department of panchakarma, R A Podar Ayurveda Medical College Mumbai. Email.

Keywords: Brahmi Ghrita, Nasya, Bacoside A3

Source of Support: NiL

Conflict of Interest: NIL


Context: Nasya Karma is the main treatment for all the supra-clavicular diseases, i.e. disease of head, neck, mouth, eye, ear and nose. Administration of drugs by the route of nasal cavity is termed as Nasya Karma Nasal route of drug administration provides systemic absorption of drug and its fast action in low doses. But it is not clear till date the active principles of Ayurvedic formulation used in Nasya get absorbed in systemic circulation. Aim: To study comparative pharmacokinetic aspect of Brahmi Ghrita in experimental animals after nasal and oral administration and to explore the mode of action of Nasya. Materials and Methods: For pharmacokinetics study of Brahmi Ghrita same dose was use for nasal and oral administration in wistar strain albino rats. Bacoside A3 was used as marker compound and it's absorption in systemic circulation was assessed using HPTLC. Results: Bacoside A3 present in Brahmi Ghrita after nasal and oral administration was found to get absorbed in to systemic circulation. Conclusion: The intranasal administration of Brahmi Ghrita is an effective way for systemic availability of drugs and has extended drug absorption as compared to oral routes for same dose.