ISSN: 0000-0000
Prashant U. Shinde1 , Alka Charade2
1Assistant Professor, Dept. Rachana Sharir M.S.Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Gondia.
2Professor & HOD, Dept. Rachana Sharir Bhausaheb Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur. India.
Date of Acceptance: 2020-05-22
Date of Publication:2020-06-04
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Keywords: Angulipraman, Sthoulya, Sharir praman, Ayu, Meda
Source of Support: nil
Conflict of Interest: nil
Background: The words ‘Pramana’ and ‘metry’ are related to measurement which described in Ayurveda for examination of patient the body has been mentioned in Ayurvedic Classics. An Anguli pramana one of them Sharir Pramana is only tool for determining the Ayu of an individual. This complete knowledge about Sharira at all times is very much essential for a physician. In the era of Sushrut, Charak the body proportion were assumed on Angulipraman, means measuring various body parts were by applying self Anguli. Objective: Study of Anguli Praman and its Co-relation with Anthropometric Measurements with special reference to Sthulata (Overweight). Methodology: Total 434 participants were selected for the study having age group between 18 - 50 years irrespective of sex, religion, socio- economic status. Person having BMI between 18.5 -29.99 were selected from Kayachikitsa OPD. Measurement of Anguli taken by a cotton thread to measure a specific organ of human body., while taking Anguli Pramana, sum of measurements of medio?lateral proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger of right and left hand has been taken and this sum was divided by 2.A well inform consent was obtained from all participants before recruiting in study. Conclusion: . It was concluded from this study that One Anguli is tentatively 1.20 centimeters long or 0.83 Anguli is equivalent to one centimeters.