ISSN: 0000-0000
Rashmi TM1 , Sathish HS2 , Mithun B3 , Narmada MG4
11. Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, TMAE’S Ayurvedic Medical College, Shimoga, Karnataka.
22. Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, TMAE’S Ayurvedic Medical College, Shimoga, Karnataka.
33. Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, ALN Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College, Koppa, Karnataka.
44. Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government of Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore.
Date of Acceptance: 2020-09-19
Date of Publication:2020-10-01
Correspondence Address:
Keywords: Vicharchika, Raktamokshana, Jalaukavacharana
Source of Support: NIL
Conflict of Interest: NIL
Vicharchika is skin lesions of varying size with inflammation, severe itching sensation, with bleeding in some cases, and this condition is as distressing as it causes disfigurement by affecting cosmetic look of an individual. A 47 year old male patient visited the OPD with presenting complaints of severe itching sensation, pain, swelling and wound on left hand since 10 days, patient also reported to have few episodes of fever. The line of treatment chosen was to correct the Vata Pitta Dosha dominance and Raktamokshana[Bloodletting]. With the just one sitting of Jalaukavacharana[Leech Therapy], gross significant reduction in pain, itching, inflammation, pus discharge and redness was observed. Raktamokshana is by far the best modality in achieving success in this disease. Along with application of treatment modality, certain life style changes have to be stressed.